Class of 46
Dudley and Ramona (Michael) Cooprider
Dud was born and raised in Winthrop Harbor and went to the only 4 room school that was there at the time. He graduated from the 8th grade.
Ramona, born in Kokomo, Indiana came to Zion as a baby and went to the old 31st Street wooden school. Then to the new Elmwood brick building through the 5th grade, until transferred to Lakeview. That was in 1939 when the parochial school broke up. No busses in those days. My folks moved South of 33rd Street on Emmaus and that put me in Beach Park School (little Beach School, another 4 room school) where I graduated.
Dudley and Ramona (Michael) Cooprider were married August 19, 1950 at the Memorial United Methodist Church in Zion. We have three sons, Tom and (Linda) who have 5 girls ranging in age from 24 through 13. David and (Donna) have a girl 14 and a boy 11 years old. Our son Bill is single.
We have one great grand daughter.
We built our house pretty much ourselves from pay check to pay check. This is our only home and we have lived here at 3324 Colgate Ave., in Zion, Illinois since December 1951.
We have traveled a lot since our marriage, many states in the United States, including Hawaii, four times, Alaska and Europe.
In 1970 in Denver, Colorado, Dud gave a kidney to his older
brother. Cleo was 8 years older and the match was an A+. Cleo lived
almost 27 years more, never having dialysis again. His death in l996 was not
because of kidney failure.
Dud worked 32 years at Johnson Motors in Waukegan where he was a methods engineer
and retired in January of 1979 at 50 years old.
We now spend our winters in Weslaco, Texas. We have a park model there and enjoy all activities that the park offers. Dud and his crew of men cook and serve a pancake breakfast for over one hundred people every Saturday from November through March.
Ramona just finished a 2 year term on the recreational board. In March of 1999 we were chosen King and Queen of the Mardi Gras at the park, what an honor.
When home in Zion, we keep active in our church, same one that we were married in, and have a garden and many flowers.
We both volunteer at our local hospital, Midwestern Regional Medical Center, or Cancer Treatment Centers of America, both of us being there over 10 years each.
Our Park Model home in Weslaco, Texas. |
Left to right: Anne Miller, Junella Gustafson and Lorraine Mc Dowell. Mini reunion 1998. | ![]() |
Left to right: Bob Mason, Corny Gustafson and Betty Brown. Mini Reunion in 1998. |
Left to right: Dud Cooprider, Ken Miller and Roger Luther. Mini reunion 1998. |
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Page revised 24 April 2000